dimanche 24 juillet 2011

Business Credit Cards

Business Credit Cards

It's important to be well educated about business credit cards before applying for credit or making any other major financial decision. In our education center we will inform you about any aspect of applying for and using business credit cards We publish new credit card articles weekly so be sure to check back often.
  • Business Credit Card Requirements for Partnerships
    When you start a business, you will likely receive multiple offers for some type of business credit card. These cards would typically be offered in the name of the business. However, this partly depends on whether your business is incorporated. As a partnership, you have the option to leave your business unincorporated. Then, meeting the requirements for business credit would fall on the shoulders of each individual owner.
  • The Requirements for Opening a Business Credit Card
    A business credit card can be issued to a small business owner in the business's name. The credit card can allow a small business owner to get loans, make payments and build credit history without putting their personal credit on the line. Another benefit of the credit card is that, should the small business fail, the business owner's personal credit history would not be affected. Applying for a business credit card can be a complicated process that does involve some risk, but business owners can avoid those problems and get the business credit card by being careful and thorough as they apply.
  • Tracking Your Business Credit Card Expenses
    Since business expenses and the interest on your business credit card are tax deductible, it is important to keep track of these expenses during the year. Keeping track means more than following your balance online. If you ever receive an audit, you must be able to prove the purchases were made for business purposes and were properly recorded. Therefore, you must keep written copies of all your expenses throughout the year.
  • Your Small Business: Charge Card vs Credit Card
    Both a business charge card and a business credit card could be beneficial to you, depending on your unique business needs. While these resources are very similar, they have a few things that make them different. Here are a few things to consider about charge cards vs credit cards.
  • Business Credit Card Requirements for Sole Proprietorships
    A sole proprietorship will operate a business credit card in the name of the individual owner. A sole proprietorship is not a legal entity separate from the owner himself. Instead, the business owner maintains "sole" record over all assets and liabilities of the business. Therefore, to get a credit card for your sole proprietorship, you must have good personal credit.
  • Business Credit Card Requirements for Corporations
    A corporation can hold a business credit card in its own name. As a result, the corporation must meet individual requirements, separate from any business owners, in order to qualify. The corporation will be evaluated across many different areas to determine if it is credit worthy.
  • Understanding Business Credit Card Offers
    When you first open your business, you may be surprised by how many companies attempt to get you to sign up for business credit cards by sending you offers. Credit card companies have sophisticated systems to locate the names of local businesses and send solicitations. As you likely know, any company that offers to lend you money has a motive to do so. Approach the offers with caution in order to make the right decisions for your business financing.
  • 5 Tips for Small Business Credit Management
    Small business credit management is something that many business owners have trouble with. If you want your business to be successful, you need to manage your credit as effectively as possible. Here are a few tips for managing your small business credit.
  • Keeping Business Credit Card Interest Rates Down
    A business credit card offers a variety of benefits to business owners. However, high interest rates can reduce the effectiveness of the card. The business credit card user can keep interest rates as low as possible by creating the best credit history and score possible, choosing the right card, paying on time and staying in the credit limit, and carefully monitoring the card's use.
  • 2 Common Errors in a Business Credit Card Application
    Filling out a business credit card application can help provide you with easy access to a card for your business. When you are filling out the application, there are a few errors that you are going to want to avoid. Here are some common errors in a business credit card application.
  • Business Credit Cards and Your Schedule C
    A Schedule C is a place to list deductions for expenses incurred to your business, and this can include interest paid on business credit cards. The Schedule C tax form has five key sections, each meant to list a specific type of deduction. Classifying your deductions correctly can save you money on taxes and help you make better decisions about your expenses in the upcoming year.
  • Going out of Business: What Happens to Business Credit Cards?
    You must close all your business credit cards when you go out of business. If you have low balances, you will only need to pay the balances and close the card. The challenge comes if you are in too much debt to credit card companies to overcome when you decide to close your doors. Then, you may need to resolve the debt in another manner.
  • The Pros and Cons of a Secured Business Credit Card
    If you are a business owner, there is a chance that you might consider using a secured business credit card at some point. Using a secured business credit card can provide you with a number of advantages and disadvantages in your business. Here are some of the pros and cons of a secured business credit card.
  • Paying with a Business Credit Card vs Cash
    When you are trying to decide between paying with a business credit card or cash, there are several things that you will need to consider. Both options carry with them some advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few things to consider about paying with a business credit card or cash.
  • A Guide to Unsecured Business Credit Cards
    An unsecured business credit card can be a valuable tool for your business. With an unsecured business credit card, you can do a number of different things and take advantage of several benefits. Here are the things to consider about unsecured business credit cards.
  • 3 Tips to Improve Chances for Instant Business Credit Card Approval
    Getting instant business credit card approval can be very convenient and provide you with a way to purchase things for your business quickly. Here are a few tips to improve your chances of instant business credit card approval.
  • Small Business Credit Card Options for Bad Credit
    Getting a small business credit card can provide you with a number of benefits for your business. If your business has bad credit, there may be a lack of options for you to choose from. Here are some small business credit card options for businesses with bad credit.
  • 5 Factors that Contribute to Business Credit Card Rates
    When you are looking at business credit cards for your business, the interest rate is going to be one of the most important factors in choosing a card. There are many things that will contribute to the interest rate of a business credit card. Here are a few of the factors that are involved.
  • 4 Features to Look for in a Business Credit Card Company
    When evaluating a business credit card company, there are several things that you will want to look for. Not all business credit card companies are created equally, and they each have unique features to offer you. Here are some of the features to look for in a business credit card company.
  • Business Credit Cards: Best Practices for New Entrepreneurs
    Business credit cards create a powerful cash-management tool for new entrepreneurs. They also lay a trap if the new business owner chooses the wrong card, uses the card unwisely or does not carefully monitor spending.
  • Comparing the Pros and Cons of a Prepaid Business Credit Card
    A prepaid business credit card is a tool that many different types of businesses choose to utilize. This type of credit card comes with several different advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of a prepaid business credit card.
  • 4 Home Business Credit Card Dangers
    A home business credit card can be fairly easy to acquire, but there are many reasons getting a credit card for your home business is not a wise decision.
  • 4 Reasons to Have a Business Credit Card
    Researchers say business credit cards are the money-management tool of choice for 66 percent of small businesses in the United States. Improved cash flow, building a credit history, controlling spending and usage rewards number among the main advantages of using a credit card for business spending.
  • 4 Questions to Ask before You Apply for a Business Credit Card
    Before you apply for a business credit card, you should make sure that you understand what you are signing up for. Here are a few questions to ask before you apply for a business credit card.
  • A Comparison of Small Business Credit Cards
    Credit cards have become a necessity for small business owners. Being able to have the power to make necessary purchases, track spending and pay for business related travel are all common ways small businesses use credit cards every day. With so many offers and options out there, it can be confusing as to which card is right for your business. Here is a look at some of the more popular cards for your comparison.
  • Entrepreneurs Utilizing Business Credit Cards
    Entrepreneurs utilizing business credit cards quickly learn the numerous valuable benefits acquired. At a business’s onset, establishing a stable cash flow can test anyone’s patience and professionalism. Using a business credit card is wise for some very important reasons; developing the positive foundation of your business’s initial credit history and establishing a professional image and relationships with local lenders and retailers.
  • How to Keep Credit Cards from Choking Your Profits
    Small business owners who use credit cards for purchases are seemingly at a disadvantage when compared to large corporations. The reason is that managing cash flow sometimes becomes more of a challenge and being able to balance income against expenses can cause headaches.
  • Using Prepaid Credit Cards as Business Promotions
    As consumers are reducing their spending, businesses are trying just about everything they can think of to encourage spending in their stores or on their websites. One of the more effective methods of getting customers to check out what you've got to offer is to give away something too good to pass up. This is why many retailers have turned to prepaid credit cards as business promotions. Giving away a “credit card” offers a more professional appearance than giving out cash or offering rebates for purchases.
  • Benefits of Prepaid Credit Cards for Businesses
    Credit cards have always held a place in the business world – enabling businesses access to cash flow and making it possible for growth that maybe wouldn't have been possible otherwise. They can also cripple a business before it gets off the ground, though, if the credit card debt builds faster than the business turns enough profit to pay for it.
  • A Business on the Side: Benefits from Small Business Credit Cards
    Many people across the country have found they need a second income to survive. While many will take a weekend or evening job in addition to a full-time gig in order to get by, many other entrepreneurial types will be trying their hand at starting a side business, based on a hobby or passion they have for their particular talent.
  • Easing the Burden of Interchange Fees
    As interchange fees go up, profits go down. This is a brief guide for small business owners who want to find a merchant account with better service and lower fees.
  • Little Known Rewards You Can Get From Business Credit Cards
    Many small business owners might feel the need to shy away from credit cards, to avoid the temptation to overspend or because they prefer to pay for everything in cash. What business owners may not be aware of, however, are the often-overlooked “extras” that come with business credit card rewards programs.
  • 7 Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Credit Card
    With more than 600,000 new small businesses started each year, it's safe to say that the dream of being a successful business owner is a strong one. If you are considering starting your own business, or are already the proud owner of a business- here are 7 reasons why your small business needs a credit card:
  • Simplify Your Bookkeeping With Credit Cards
    Did you know that just by having a credit card for your business that you can actually help in your bookkeeping efforts? It's true, a business credit card can not only help you separate your business and personal expenses, but it can also help you manage your finances at the same time. Many credit card companies that offer business credit cards also offer reports of your account. These reports may come monthly, quarterly, or annually. In some cases, it is generated for you and in others you have to request the reports.
  • Financing with Business Credit Cards
    You've heard the saying, "You've got to spend money to make money!" This couldn't be more true, especially in business. If you want to grow your business, you're going to need a source of funds and access to cash flow - particularly when things are moving slowly.
  • Credit Cards and Business Expenses
    One thing about businesses is that the business expenses can really become unmanageable, particularly if you do not have a system in place to keep track of your expenses and know exactly where your money is going. All businesses small or large and everywhere in between should have a system in place that allows them to keep track of their business expenses. One great way of doing that is with a credit card.
  • How Business Owners Can Choose a Credit Card
    Small business owners now have a wide variety of credit cards to choose from, and it makes it difficult to choose the best one for your small business. As a small business owner, you will need to decide which features you think that the company will use most often, and if they are worth using and having, before applying to a card. Many of the credit card companies now offer many attractive tools that can and will help each small business owner in their everyday spending and tracking. Also remember that it is harder to keep getting credit cards after the first couple, so choose wisely when choosing business credit cards.
  • Small Business Credit Card Benefits
    Many new small business owners do not have a credit card account specific to their business. They might use a personal credit card to make business related purchases every now and then, but the majority of new business owners overlook the value a business credit card may provide to their business.
  • Help Your Small Business Succeed with a Credit Card
    Six of the many ways in which a small business credit card can help your business to operate more smoothly and improve your bottom line.
  • How to Choose a Business Credit Card
    Choosing the best business credit card takes a little more research than finding one for your personal use, but the time spent educating yourself on credit limits, interest rates and repayment options will pay off in the long run.
  • Using Credit Cards To Finance Your Business
    Learn when the right and wrong times are to use a credit card to help fund your business. Also learn the risks involved in doing so.
  • Credit cards for small business
    Many small business owners know that the rate of their companies growth is limited by their cash flow and increasing the amount of spendable cash is crutial to the growth of their business. Credit cards can be a great means of increasing your cash flow. This articles explains how.

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